
Tuesday, March 20

Walking on Sunshine

ElleC has been kind enough to award me with a Sunshine Award.  ElleC is certainly a ray of sunshine herself.  Tanit-Isis was also nominated and in titling her reply Sunshine lollipops stuck a song in my head.  Here's hoping Walking on Sunshine gets rid of the ear worm.

Favourite Colour  Purple hands down.  I like a lot of other softer colours, wear a lot of red, but purple is my favourite.

Favourite Animal  Oh.... Sharks.  I find them fascinating.  Absolutely entrancing and scary all at the same time.  I think I saw Jaws waaay too young.  If I'm swimming in a lake (even little man made lake near my parents) or a backyard pool alone, I'll think of Jaws.
Favourite Number  I don't really have a single favourite number.  I liked 88 when I was younger because my cousin wore that playing hockey.  2 is good for my birthday (Sept 2nd).  Natural 20 is always a good thing when rolling dice.  ;)

Favourite Non-Alcoholic Drink  Tea hands down.  Lady Grey Tea, Loyd teas, rooibos tea, peppermint tea, fruit teas like Toasty Almond (or blends like Iced Princess).  I think I have at least 3 kinds of tea at each desk that I work at and probably 12-18 kinds of tea at home.  I generally take my tea just as is, no added milk or sugar.  Although iced tea is completely different, that needs to be the sweet flavour Tanit-Isis was talking about although at home I usually make a pitcher that is part powdered sugar tea and actual brewed tea so I can control the sugar and caffeine content as needed.

Facebook or Twitter  Facebook, but not as Seraphinalina, just as me.  It's good for organizing invites for the house concerts and keeping tabs on friends who live far away.  It's strange now that my mom is on Facebook.

My Passion  Jeez, isn't that why I blog?  You get my passions in little bite sized bits.  Sewing, independent music, being a mom (we're still working getting there), hosting in general.  Funny, work isn't going on that list, although I do think of geographer as part of who I am.

Giving or Receiving Gifts  Hmm, I do love getting a wrapped present and opening it up and making a big deal to make the giver feel good.  But, then I get itchy when my in laws give me a bed, so maybe I am better at giving.

Favourite Pattern  Oh... I guess Renfrew at the moment.  But I also really like Lekala 5432 for dresses.  Sorbetto is always fun too.  I'm not a huge pattern collector.

Favourite Day of the Week  Friday.  Lots of potential for the weekend ahead and it's usually a good client day.

Favourite Flower  Depends, in the ground, crocus.  Cut, carnations.  Both flowers I associate with my Nana and Papa.  Papa gave me crocus when I was about 12, a little kit with a plastic windmill for a pot and I do love the purple ones.  Papa bought carnations for Nana frequently the last few years she was at home.  She was getting to the later stages of Alzeheimer's, he was caring for her when she didn't know anyone and really wasn't talking much anymore, but his love was for better and worse so he bought her flowers.

Favourite Celebrity Role Model  Hmm, I'm agreeing with a few others that I don't really see them as role models.  I'm not even enough of a red carpet watcher to really identify with a specific person for their fashion sense. 

And to nominate others...  ElleC beat me to a punch on a few bloggers I enjoy.  I'm going to nominate a few that are new to me.

TwistedCistern - what a neat concept, two sisters sharing a blog.  I've already traded a few music recommendations with Margaret.

Making it Well - She's just made a lovely paper tape dress form and I'm looking forward to seeing her put it to good use. 

Everyone that I read I add to my blog roll.  I started reading blogs by finding Gertie's and expanded from there.  I hope others find my blog roll helpful as well.

Okay, time to get to work, I've got a full plate today and I've actually been making headway.


  1. Thank you so much for the award! It's nice being new to blogging and finding everyone so welcoming! :)

    1. You are quite welcome, I look forward to seeing your answers.


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