
Friday, March 2

Mark Reeves

I'm out to an offsite company event today which will contribute to more phone tag with the clinic.  Last year it was quite nice, a good lunch, hand out some awards, and a bit of entertainment.  This year it's a hypnotist.  We'll see how that goes.

Sunday, we're going to a house concert to see Mark Reeves.  Now I posted about this in October, but I think 2 people were reading my blog then so it's pretty safe to say most of you wouldn't remember.  Here is the key story from that post:
And I am feeling a tad sheepish about meeting Mark Reeves.  We saw Mark maybe in 2007 at Summerfolk.  I thought he was just fantastic, he has some amusing and cheeky lyrics, great sound and a beautiful voice.  His song VDub was the first song we played when we bought the Jetta.  He has done Home Routes the past two years, but not on the Ontario route and every year when the list comes out I lament that it's not fair that Alberta gets Mark and I don't.  So when I crossed him in the hallway with a bit of ah... wine induced false courage, I babbled at him about this.  Seriously.  I didn't shut up.  He was getting an offer to go join some friends outside for a "fresh of breath air" as my high school friends might say and I was oblivious, Mr. Lina told me later.  Sigh.  At least by the end of it he did want me to email him and remind him of the when and where of our conversation.  Good to know I wasn't so scary to be ah, unforgettable.
I'm going to be putting that unforgettable part to the test.  I did email Mark after OCFF and put him in touch with people who also occasionally do house concerts (I last saw Boho Chapeau at their house).  Sunday works out really well for him.  Last night he was in London, Kitchener tonight, a house concert in Ancaster on Saturday, Etobicoke on Sunday and then Oakville on Monday.  Not too shabby.  The timing with Ben Sures I certainly wouldn't have been able to host him myself.  April he's heading out west to Saskatchewan and Alberta.

So I'm one part 12 year old girl meeting Justin Bieber, one part sober Sera not sure what drunk Sera was thinking and one part mature adult going to support a talented musician. 

And while I think VDub is amusing, or Sure is a Pretty Name is a bit on the naughty side, maybe this is a better choice for this week.  It Takes a While to Get Like This.

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