
Friday, August 3

Happy Simcoe Day!

I'm a little early with the Happy Simcoe Day! title, but this is the start of the long weekend.  Monday is a holiday in most but not all of Canada.  Different regions call it different things, to me, it's Simcoe Day after John Graves Simcoe who did all kinds of cool things like being the first Lieutenant Govenor of Upper Canada (essentially Ontario prior to the formation of Canada), the founder of York which became Toronto, he had an impact on our court system, abolishing slavery, etc.  Whatever, it's a long weekend without any particular holiday to celebrate unless you want to.  Being sick, we will be celebrating at home.  My cough has moved to the unconrollable spasming kind a couple of times a day but other than that I feel okay.  Mr. Lina is hopped up on neocitron and staying home today. 
So far life as an aunt still seems a bit surreal.  My cousin's wife hit me up on Facebook to say congratulations.  I think I was convincing by text.  Assuming all went well last night, they are coming home (to my parents) from the hospital today so at least I can call them and if it's not a good time my parents will tell me.  Thing is, I need to see my niece, I don't think a phone call is going to be enough of a connection but at least my brother won't feel like I'm avoiding him.

The good thing about the baby being born is that I know the gender.  I'm still not finished the blanket.  I keep forgetting to take it to the basement with me when watching television.  The basic rectangle needs I think 6-8 more rows.  Not much really, but there is still the boarder to do.  So do I add a little pink or keep it white so it could be used for a boy if they have more kids?  I'm leaning to pink myself. 

Have you all seen the Almas popping up all over?  I have to get on my Sewaholic patterns.  I bought Pendrell when Renfrew launched and I still haven't made it up.  I'm thinking I should hold off on buying Alma until I try Pendrell just so I don't have another pattern waiting in the queue.  But it sure is tempting.  I don't think I'm a pattern collector the way I am a fabric collector.  I want patterns to use them, not to hold them where I think I buy fabric because it's pretty and it might not be there next time.  Which is ridiculous because odds are next time, I'll see more fabric I like.

Mr. Lina gets a bit snuggly when he's sick.  Evenings this week have either been me feeling too fuzzy headed to sew or hanging out with him.  My purple dress is still in my sewing room in need of a zipper, sleeves and hem.  The laughter has reduced to a chuckle because who can laugh for a week straight?  Hopefully I'll get to that this weekend while we rest up. 

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