After a weekend with a few late nights and lazy mornings, today sucked. I'm still not feeling awake. So let's see what I have to be thankful for...
- Health, generally, I'm good. That rash has cleared up, no idea why or what caused it but I sure am thankful that it's gone.
- Mr. Lina - we're in a pretty good lovey dovey stage at the moment. All this change feels exciting, so glad to have him in my life. His attention for detail is coming in handy as he takes care of a lot of the details with our lawyer, mortgage broker and scheduling movers.
- Finances - sure, it would be nice to win the lottery, but I'm appreciating that I have enough. There is lots of food to go around, a big roof over our head and while money seems to be slipping through our hands because of the move (7 weeks away now), it's all okay, there is enough.
- Friends - a big pillar in our our lives, having 18 adults, 5 kids, 2 babies for Thanksgiving sure did make me feel well loved. We'll be moving about a 15 min walk from friends of ours and it was pretty cool to hear their 8 year old daughter say how happy she was about that. You know I'm going to be really close to her school.
- Family - gosh I love my niece and nephews. My niece is a chatty 2 year old, loves imaginative play and silliness. One nephew has figured out how to crawl like a marine under barbed wire and the other is ridiculously chubby cheeked and loves to kick everything and anything. He also seems to have good "timing" causing me to need to change my shirt (and his outfit) and then getting me again with a leaky diaper. No one else was puked on. Honestly...
- I figured out this week I still have 5 vacation days to use this year. That's going to help me stay sane while we move.
I think I covered all the big pillars there.
We're going to be hosting David Bradstreet on Monday. The guy has won Junos, a Gemini, produced for lots of other artists who are far better known than he is. I'm excited to host someone with this kind of Canadian pedigree but I'm getting worried it's going to be another small audience. Hopefully I get a few RSVP's this week. Anyone local is welcome to come, I'll send details by email if you'd like. Have a listen.